Orkneyology Podcast

Orkneyology Podcast cover image by Jenny Steer

"Ower wi' the moon"

In Orkney, we used to have an expression: "I'll be ower wi' the moon," meaning, "I will come and visit you when the moon is full, to light my way."

Ivan Aivazovsky, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Orkneyology, the podcast

In the Orkneyology Podcast, we talk with fascinating and creative folk - some people living here in Orkney and some further afield who love our islands.

We talk about folklore, storytelling, books, history, life in Orkney, art, archaeology and anything else we find inspiring. We do hope you'll join us for a good blether.

Look for the Orkneyology Podcast again on the night of the next full moon.

Podcast theme music courtesy of Fionn McArthur.

"Ower wi' the moon" artwork created by Jenny Steer.


Orkneyology Podcast episodes

Episode 7 ~ July 21, 2024 ~ read more ...

Episode 6, part 1 ~ June 21, 2024 ~ read more ...

Episode 5 ~ May 23, 2024 ~ read more ....

Episode 4 ~ April 24, 2024 ~ read more ....

Episode 3 ~ March 25, 2024 ~ read more ....

Episode 2 ~ February 24, 2024 ~ read more ....

Episode 1 ~ January 25, 2024 ~ read more ....


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